Quantum Foundry Research Internship Program

The Quantum Foundry research internship program brings science and engineering California Community College, California State University, and other primarily undergraduate institution undergraduate students to the UC Santa Barbara campus for an 8-week summer research experience. Undergraduate interns gain first-hand experience in scientific investigation via a dynamic, collaborative research environment. They are matched individually with Foundry faculty and graduate student lab mentors who provide ongoing training and support.

EUREKA! Scholars Program

The EUREKA! program is designed to enrich the academic experience of undergraduates at University of California, Santa Barbara in science, technology, mathematics and engineering (STEM) disciplines early on in their educational careers. The program is focused on introducing students in their first year to the broader science community on campus and providing exposure to research through academic year internships.

Future Leaders in Advanced Materials (FLAM)

The UCSB Materials Research Laboratory (MRL), the UCSB College of Engineering and the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates program are seeking undergraduate science and engineering majors who are interested in pursuing a research experience. This internship program will bring undergraduate students from around the country to the UC Santa Barbara campus for a 9-week summer research experience. Interns will gain first-hand experience in scientific investigation in a dynamic, collaborative research environment.

California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP)

The California Alliance for Minority Participation provides resources and opportunities to under-represented students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The program is sponsored by the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation at the National Science Foundation, and is part of the statewide CAMP program. CAMP has several programs that support undergraduates including Summer and Academic year Research Internships and CAMP Scholars support towards successful completion of a degree in STEM.

Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) Program

The UTEP PREM program sponsors 9-week summer research internships at the University of Texas at El Paso for UCSB undergraduate science and engineering students. Interns will be matched with a research project, a faculty supervisor and graduate student mentor. Interns will receive a stipend of $4500 for the 9-week internship, up to $600 in travel support and housing in shared apartments on the UTEP campus. In addition to their research responsibilities, interns will give presentations based on their work and participate in career development activities.

Beckman Scholars Program

Scholars embark on a 15 month program designed to enrich their development as students and scientists through innovative research, mentoring, collaboration and practice in effective communication. The program offers students a unique opportunity to become immersed in the scientific community. Beckman Scholars will receive a scholarship of up to $19,300 over two summers. Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Chemical Engineering majors currently enrolled as a full time UCSB student in sophomore or junior year, with a GPA of 3.3 or above, are eligible.

Research Assistantship Directory

The Undergrad RA Directory is your go-to place for discovering new research projects taking place on campus. Professors can submit projects on a rolling basis to have their listing hosted on the directory. Although the Directory is categorized by department, don’t allow that to limit you. Many projects in the directory look for students from across the disciplines, so feel free to explore your interests and skills outside of your major or minor and get involved in interdisciplinary research.

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URCA Grants)

The Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URCA) unit in the College of Letters and Science encourages undergraduates conducting independent research projects or creative activities to apply for funding to support these efforts. The funding for URCA grants comes from university, federal, and private sources and is intended to cover a project’s expenses, included research-related domestic travel. If you receive an URCA grant, you will be expected to present your work at the Undergraduate Research Colloquium in May.

Academic Research Consortium (ARC) Summer Program

The Academic Research Consortium (ARC) Summer Program provides mentored research experiences in all disciplines to undergraduates at the junior level and graduate students at the Master’s level who are seeking to gain experience and prepare for doctoral programs at UC Santa Barbara. ​ARC targets talented and motivated students from Hispanic Serving Institutions who can benefit from additional academic support and career development.​