Additional Resources

Creating Effective Poster Presentations
Provides a step-by-step guide to creating a poster with lots of visual examples

Pimp My Poster
Upload your poster to this Flickr group for feedback on how to improve its design

Poster Presentation Opportunities

UCSB Undergraduate Research Colloquium
Held annually in May, all UCSB undergraduates are invited to present their ongoing or completed research projects in a day-long poster session. Students are required to submit an abstract and application form, usually due in early April.

Next colloquium: May 2018


The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)
This interdisciplinary conference for undergraduate students occurs annually in late March/early April. Students can participate in the poster session or give an oral presentation. Opportunities are also available for visual and performing arts showcases. The abstract submission deadline is in mid-November.

Next conference: April 4-Saturday, April 7, 2018; University of Central Oklahoma


Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR)
This conference, held in mid-November, provides a forum for the presentation of the best research, scholarship, and creative activities of undergraduate students in the region. SCCUR is broadly multi-disciplinary, including the arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and applied sciences. Students present their scholarly work either in 15-minute seminar presentations, in poster sessions, or in exhibition or performance. The submission deadline is in late September/early October.

Next conference: November 18, 2017, Cal Poly Pomona


SACNAS National Conference
This conference showcases cutting edge science by the nation’s leading minority scientists through symposia, presentations, keynote speakers, and other events. All undergraduate and graduate students who have conducted research, used experimental methods, and developed results are invited to submit an abstract for poster presentation. All abstracts are reviewed prior to the conference and students are given feedback from scientific professionals in their field. Abstract are due in mid-May for the October conference.

Upcoming conferences: October 11-13, 2017; San Antonio, Texas


Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students
The conference is designed to encourage underrepresented minority students to pursue advanced training in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, including mathematics. ABRCMS gives students an opportunity to present their research through poster or oral presentations and expand their scientific and professional development knowledge through innovative sessions, as well as networking opportunities. The conference is held in November, with a submission deadline in early September.

Upcoming conference: November 1-4, 2017; Phoenix, AZ


Professional Societies and Associations

Many professional societies call for student poster sessions at their national or regional meetings. Consult with your faculty mentor to see what conferences are appropriate for your research field and check their websites to find conference dates and submission information.