Shane Stringfellow ‘14
Psychology and Feminist Studies

Shane Stringfellow was admitted to UCSB as a Psychology major, but after taking a Feminist Studies course, found a passion for LGBTQ studies. Now, as a double major in Psychology and Feminist Studies, Shane performs research and work that he thoroughly enjoys. “Next thing I know, it’s my senior year and I’m applying for an URCA grant and conducting my own research,” Shane said.

With the help of an URCA grant and his grad student mentor Carly Thomsen, Shane undertook a research project on redefining the concept masculinity. “The best part about my research was being able to conduct all of the interviews that I did…it really allowed me to centralize the voices of my participants as people who are actively producing knowledge in their everyday lives.”

By pursuing his interests in psychology and LGBTQ Shane honed valuable researcher skills he’ll take with him to graduate school, including the logistics of researching, drafting proposals for grants, navigating the human subjects process, and so much more. “I’ve learned how engaging and fun conducting interviews can be, but also how draining the subsequent transcribing process can be as well,” he explained. “I’ve had to navigate my own mental health as a researcher with a topic that is very personal to myself and I’ve learned from my mentor how to show up on days to work/write even when I feel like I can’t.”