Finals were invented to torture us >.<

Next week is finals week and I need to study my butt off! Because of Thanksgiving break and finals coming up, I haven’t really been able to work on my project. COMSOL is very expensive and I don’t have it on my computer…so I can only work on the project when I’m on campus in one of the computer labs. This makes things a little more difficult.

My project doesn’t involve experiments nor does it require fast results; my purpose is to provide a new insight to the problem since I am unfamiliar with many of the problems. The project is going slowly, but i’ll be able to work on it more intensely at the beginning of next quarter.

I’m stressing out about finals and grades. It’s stressful. Y_Y

It was nice having a break for a few days, basically relaxed and made up for all the sleep I hadn’t been getting.

Black Friday shopping => BUSY but got great deals! 🙂

My housemate just discovered a ninja game…they’re so cute and it’s sooo much fun! ^_^