Did you know…?

The lightning bolt is 3X hotter than the sun. 🙂

So…its only been 3 weeks since winter quarter started and I am so incredibly busy its ridiculous.

I have classes and clubs and attempting to do research at the same as well as applying for summer internships.

I haven’t actually really started on research again this quarter since my advisor has been busy, but I should be starting up again next week. It’s still the same thing: working on COMSOL. I hope to make more progress this quarter than I did last quarter. I have asked for help from a graduate student to help guide me through the program rather than me trying to learn something I am completely unfamiliar with.

I have homework spread out throughout the week…meaning I have assignments due on almost every single day so I’m usually spending all my time working on homework and studying. I’m still trying to balance my time out so I have time to do other things, but I’m realizing that there simply isn’t enough time in a day to do that.

There’s a SACNAS Meeting this Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 6:30PM at Elings 1601. Come for a talk by Professor Ken Millett about his experiences and his research as well as free food afterwards!