A little late…

So sorry, I’m a bit late on my blog, which should have been update before the quarter was over. I guess I was so focused and stressed out about finals. I spend dead week and finals week doing basically nothing but studying for my classes.

I was able to spend time on research, although not as much as I had wanted to. I have been working on assignments given to me by Luke and things are going well. I worked on a model of equations that represented waves and how changing different parameters changes the results of the wave. I’m still blown away with the amount of things that COMSOL can be used for.

I’m continuing on those things this quarter and I’m going to be able to spend more time on research since I’m taking less units this quarter. I also only have 2 major classes this quarter as opposed to 5 last quarter. Yay for spring! 🙂

Hope everyone had a fabulous spring break and is ready for this quarter with hopefully amazing weather!