The first few weeks

This summer is the best summer I have ever had. I still hardly believe that I got the offer to INSET program. At first, I was really confused about my project, and when I talked to my mentor on the first day, I was so overwhelmed with all the information. However, my mentor is really awesome; he does make all the concepts become more simpler and easier. My lab is called Interfacial Laboratory, which also belongs to Chemical Engineering Department. My project is about hydrophobic interactions. The final goal of my project is to study about the energy at the hydrophobic interface by doing contact angle measurements. Specifically, I have to prepare a hydrophobic surface on gold-coated-mica to test its interaction with water and liquid. What I am trying to do is to see that how the pH will affect hydrophobicity. My work in the lab is getting better day by day even though I have not yet got the results I want. Besides, all the members in my lab are really nice and friendly. I feel more comfortable with what I am doing now, and I know that I would get more and more great experience throughout eight weeks.