Cheers to an Enlightening 8 Weeks

“Like the legend of the phoenix
All ends with beginnings” -Daft Punk (Get Lucky)

Although I lament the end of this internship, I can’t help but notice that this is not an ending or a beginning, but rather another chapter in an infinite cycle of endings and beginnings. We are all Jedis in training, with no particular goal in sight besides excellence itself. We must heed the words of Master Yoda, “PATIENCE YOU MUST HAVE my young padawan,” for it will be a long journey. Whether it is math, physics, engineering, or biology (and don’t forget social science) it is not the next problem that is the objective, it is the journey that is important. Dwell not on endings and beginnings, dwell instead on the infinite succession of nows which have flowed for infinity before us, and which will flow for infinity to come.

And remember, we must not take the path of the dark side, AKA – DoD fellowship, because β€œIf you end your training now β€” if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did β€” you will become an agent of evil.” – Yoda again

“Fight! Vanquish foes and doubts, dear hero! Slay what haunts thee in fond shapes”

Now Go!!! Congratulations, and fond wishes of good luck and enlightenment to all πŸ™‚

-Paul Kovacs