Summer Research in Beautiful Santa Barbara

This summer started off with two main goals: do research and go to Six Flags. Well, I never really had the time to go to Six Flags, but I did do a lot of lab work, reading, and presenting.

I came into the summer thinking that research was going to be mentally exhausting, but I was not prepared for the pain that comes with standing all day by your lab bench. But all those long days of research is well worth seeing the finished product, which in my case is stretched nanoparticles used for drug delivery. It is exciting to set mini goals for yourself throughout the summer to keep you motivated to the end.

This summer, I have discovered a new love for poster presentations. I enjoy being able to talk to people one-on-one about my project and answer any questions they may have on my work. I look forward to presenting at the SACNAS Conference this fall, and meanwhile I am preparing for my final talk next week (I can’t believe the summer is almost over!). I love being able to talk about my work because I feel as though it brings my research around full circle from learning about my project from my mentor, troubleshooting through my project by myself, and then teaching other people about my research.

My favorite part of the summer has been meeting so many amazing people. In the Mitragotri Lab, we have had several graduate students from abroad researching here for the summer. It has been wonderful to meet other people energetic about science and discover the subtle differences in culture between different countries and how they approach science. Outside of my lab group, I’ve become friends with several CSEP interns through scrambling together on our practice presentations and attending informative seminars throughout the summer.

While I never went to Six Flags (my friends and I decided to go on a hike instead), I did enjoy living here in Santa Barbara for the summer. I am so excited to come back in the fall and continue doing research, but meanwhile I will be taking a relaxing break back home.