A Whole New World

I remember walking into lab for the first time ever. It was as though I was in an adult version of any lab I had ever been part of. At first, it was the little things that impressed and intimidated me (This list can get long). Everyone was wearing their fancy dark blue coats whereas I was only used to the large white one that I bought at the UCen as a freshman. The goggles also were not all the same, it was interesting to see that everyone had their choice to be comfortable, that just threw me off! Not only this, but I couldn’t help but stand in awe at the fact that everyone had their own hood. I could only think about the fact that I had shared a hood with at least four people every quarter for as long as I could possibly remember. And don’t get me started on their instruments! I mean maybe they weren’t state of the art, but it felt as though someone had handed me a fork when i had spent my life eating with my fingers. One last small glory was the fact that I had my very own desk; this was a place that I could study, work, and do all that great desk stuff.

20150522_120031-300x225On a side note, the reason I mention that I titled this post as a whole new world is mostly because I feel as though I have had an identity change the moment I walked into lab. My name is Alexandra-I don’t really have nicknames. HOWEVER, everyone in the lab calls me Alexa, and honestly for a long time the only reason I responded was because I was the only female for a long time and I knew they couldn’t be talking to anyone else. (I felt like Emily in the movie The Devil Wears Prada hopefully some of you get that reference!)

However, working in a lab doesn’t always feel like the sunshine and roses that I had primarily experienced. I realized that with all the benefits, there were great responsibilities demanded of me. There are a few things I feel I need to share at this point.

First of all, mistakes will be made.

Being a new scientist in the field, you must become aware of the fact that you cannot always be perfect. Having passed my organic Chemistry classes with flying colors did not prepare me for the real world of synthesis. Your skills, methods, level of creativity to solve problems has to go beyond what you’re learning in the classroom. And also, I have learned that making mistakes are only ever beneficial if you choose to learn from them. With that said, the same mistake shouldn’t really be done twice. Maybe this is only applicable to my lab experience, but I won’t hesitate to share it!

20150709_211047My second hood since my first was given to a new graduate student!

Secondly, time is always of the essence.

It just seems as though I can never find enough time in the day. The other day I planned to take the day to study and finish assignments. I had only one column to run and I had begun at 9:30 am. Needless to say that at 5pm when all was said and done, I realized that I can’t always assume that my chemistry won’t take longer. I haven’t figured out how to solve this problem exactly but I have finally talked to my mentor and taking some days off from chemistry completely seems to be the only way. *tearing up inside*

Thirdly, frustrations are normal.

I love chemistry. I really and truly do. But, sometimes it just so happens that everything is falling apart and your compound decomposed overnight or you ran out of TLC’s and capillaries and you have to bother making those too and there is just so much you have to do before getting to the Chemistry you actually enjoy. Just remember, it’s all part of the process. Sometimes my frustrations don’t even have to do with Chemistry but rather I’ve had a bad day and I get seem to drop the thought. I literally just need ten minutes to step back and look at the big picture-I may be making the most minute and insignificantly small change to science, but I am making a change nonetheless. This is what it’s about and this should be enough to pick up and keep going!

Lastly, some things are sunshine and roses!

Honestly, the benefits of working in my research lab far outweigh the bad. Relationships with fellow scientists who know your name and know your work and are willing to help you learn is a great benefit. My mentor, who I feel can be really hard on me let’s me know that he is strict and demands perfection because he cares about my progression as a scientist and I believe it! Being able to be in a lab and watch all these various techniques that lead to the same outcome allows be to build my own style as though I were an amateur writer amongst great authors. My PI is also a great inspiration. I enjoy the lab because I see great work ethic. No one is coasting through and everyone is very real about their case. The honesty is helpful because it helps everyone progress with their work in a better way and I appreciate how no one hesitates to ask a question because everyone is still learning! This above all I enjoy. I love that I can ask naive questions and no one is rolling their eyes at me or laughing. Ironically, due to the number of cancerous chemicals, I find it one of the safest environments to learn. And honestly, if you aren’t in a lab to learn, you may be missing the point.

I suppose I will conclude by mentioning that I am a minority and I don’t see many Hispanic women in the workplace. However, to those women out there that are hoping to pursue a career in research that feel and are underrepresented in STEM, I would have to tell them that nothing is impossible and you just have to work hard and never lose confidence. Because you will fail, and you will be criticized, and you will do silly things, but you must always remember it’s about the learning and soon all the things you fear won’t be so scary. It’s not impossible, no one is an exception, and don’t compare yourself to others if you are already working your hardest.

Anyway, I feel it only natural to post some images of my little world in Chemistry. Enjoy!

20150414_112727My First Hood.